Integrate your timesheets with your payroll
Dyflexis integrates with both ADP Workforce and ADP iHCM. Consequently, employees are loaded into Dyflexis from ADP automatically. On top of this, working hours are also easily shared with ADP. With ADP Workforce, Dyflexis has developed a customised export, for ADP iHCM Dyflexis has a complete API integration.
Dyflexis + ADP =
The link between ADP and Dyflexis saves a lot of manual work. Employee data and hours worked are easily exchanged.
With ADP Workforce with customised automatic export, for ADP iHCM Dyflexis has full API integration.
Data is loaded from ADP into Dyflexis. This ensures that you always have the correct data in Dyflexis.
Creëer een overzichtelijk management dashboard in Dyflexis met prestatiemeters gebaseerd op de data uit ADP.
About ADP
We are a global provider of cloud human capital management (HCM) solutions that unify HR, payroll, talent, time, tax and benefits, and a leader in business outsourcing services and analytics. Our experience, deep insights and advanced technology have transformed HR from an administrative back office function into a strategic asset.
Website ADPDyflexis' solutions
Dyflexis’ staff scheduling is devloped to establish staff schedules efficiently and easily. Create a clear schedule based on your employees’ availability, wages, budgets, classifications & more.
In Dyflexis you can registrate your employees’ working hours, including sick- and holiday leave effortlessly. You can even create your own customized hours yourself, which meets your requirement entirely.

Our time clock system, the Rex-O-Matic NOA, allows your employees to check in and out. By scanning a personal card, working hours will be registrated in Dyflexis automatically.